Follow us on the Global Bioeconomy Summit 2018

Von Korbinian Sinzinger|Mittwoch, der 18. April 2018|Uncategorized|

For the second time, the Federal Government’s Bioeconomy Council, with financial support from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), has invited bioeconomy, innovation and sustainability experts from all over the world to Berlin.

More than 700 experts from more than 70 countries are following the call. High-level representatives from politics, science, civil society and business will be discussing the latest developments on the global bioeconomy from 19 to 20 April. The opportunities and challenges of an increasingly bio-based, more sustainable economy are in focus.

The two-day program is packed with sessions and workshops. Find here is full program and what’s offered for participants.

| 6 plenary session
| 14 expert workshops
| 100+ speakers

The focus is on the following questions:

  • How can the protection of biodiversity and nature become compatible with the economic use of biological resources?
  • What role can the bioeconomy play in finding new solutions to global challenges such as climate change, food security, health and increasing environmental pollution?
  • Which biobased innovations and technical solutions are currently being developed in the industrialized and developing countries, in the northern and southern hemispheres?
  • Which political framework conditions are necessary to accelerate change towards resource- friendly industrial production?
  • How can such a substantial economic transformation away from fossil resources and towards the use of biological resources be financed?
  • What do investors expect from startups and established companies and where should public funding step in?
  • How can the the innovation potential of young scientists, founders and high-tech companies be leveraged?

Check out the teaser to find out more.

There will even be a lifestream on both event days. The link can be found below. We will also be happy to share our impressions from the summit, network and share new knowledge.