Coordination and Support Actions for Europe’s Bio-based Industries

By Korbinian Sinzinger|Tuesday April 17th, 2018|Uncategorized|

logoThe Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) has released a new report entitled “Coordination and Support Actions (CSAs) for Europe’s bio-based industries”  providing a status update of BBI JU’s CSAs projects: BioCannDo, BIOWAYS, BiOPEN, Pilots4U, RoadToBio, STAR4BBI.

This specific type of BBI JU projects address strategic aspects and cross-cutting challenges to enable bio-based industries to grow as a sector and to accelerate the market-uptake of biobased products and applications. The CSAs will help tackling some of the potential hurdles involved in deploying new bio-based products that may stem from policy and regulatory requirements, a lack of consumer awareness and acceptance, low public demand or unfavourable public perception of bio-based products and applications.

CSA topics have been introduced in the BBI JU Annual Work Plans (AWPs) as of 2015. Following the 2015 and 2016 Calls, 6 CSA projects with a total budget of EUR 5.85 million were funded by the BBI JU. The CSAs included in the 2015 BBI JU AWP were dedicated to boost the use of standards, address regulatory hurdles that hinder investments in biobased industries and enhance the awareness of the broad public of bio-based products.

The reports presents the objectives and expected impacts of the running BBI JU CSA projects, as well as the results obtained so far and next steps. It also discusses how the CSA projects will support the biobased industry sector throughout Europe and how industry, and in particular the members of Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC), can help the projects to succeed.

Report available here

Text by The Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU)