
The 21st century is characterized by great challenges. These include adequate and healthy food for the growing world population, climate change and loss of soil fertility and biodiversity.

The “knowledge-based bioeconomy”, also known as a “biobased economy”, provides the opportunity to make an important contribution by addressing these challenges and transforming from a predominantly fossil-based economy to a renewable, resource-efficient and environmentally friendly economy.

It is the task of politics to accompany this transformation and to flank it with suitable measures in the national, European and global context.

Crucial questions to answer: 

  • Can the bioeconomy help combat global resource and food shortages and climate change? Is a common European Industrial Policy necessary to implement a bio-based, sustainable economy?
  • Can the goals formulated by politics at national and European level be achieved with the existing approaches?
  • What social, economic and political resistance can arise in the national and global context in the establishment of a European bioeconomy? Which approaches can be effective in resolving these resistances?

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